Sunday, December 29, 2013

CPR videos

Here are some funny but informative videos promoting CPR

Ken Jeong promotes Hands-Only CPR

Jennifer Coolidge promotes Hands-Only CPR

Elizabeth Banks promotes Go Red for Women

Here is a great video from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

From the British Heart Foundation, Vinnie Jones shows how to do Hands-Only CPR

A Lego version of Vinnie Jones CPR video

A music video emphasizing the AHA (American Heart Association)'s 2010 change in CPR sequence from "ABC" to "CAB." Produced by Educational Services, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center & Children's Hospital, and Providence Holy Family Hospital in Spokane, Eastern Washington.

A spoof of Justin Timberlake's "Sexyback" done by the University of Alberta 2010 Med class. Wenckebach is a type of cardiac arrhythmia.

Call Me Maybe Student Nurses Parody

I'm At a Code

An Usher parody promoting Hands-Only CPR by ZDoggMD

Scene from The Office